Thursday, June 11, 2009


After six months of inactivity I'm signing off of blogger. Adios.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Statue of Liberty

Tomorrow (October 28) is Statue of Liberty Day. I took the opportunity to have some fun with Owen and Emma! Owen painted his torch then we dressed up! He insisted I participate and he take the picture.

She really tried!


can't understand why this wasn't the original design?

Like Mother Like Daughter

Unfortunately Emma loves cookies just as much as her mommy!

Saturday, October 04, 2008


I hope that Owen never gets to big to cuddle (I know he will), but it is so wonderful when he gets up in the morning and wants to sit on my knee and be held. I could handle this for a lot longer! He is such a joy!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Mundane things

Why is it that mundane things must take up so much of our time? I get so tired of balancing the check book, folding socks and tshirts, sweeping the floor after Emma and Owen eat. I begin to wonder if any of this really matters. On days like today when I'm just...blah, I don't want to do any of it. I want my fairy godmother to come in, wave a wand and fix all that is in disarray in my home. Then I promise myself, it will never get like that again. I'll keep all of the papers filed, wipe up every mess, iron laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer. I doubt I would, but I'll never know because there is no fairy god mother with a wand.

Monday, September 29, 2008

5 more cause they are so wonderful!

No post since June...what do I do all day?


Owen's new bike...

finishing breakfast in mom and dad's room
Owen snuck into Emma's room during his nap time while I was downstairs. This is what I came up to.

One more of my sneaky kids!

I can't even try to catch you up on the last four months of pics, but here are a few of my recent favs!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mom and Toddler Day Out

Holly Miller, who oversees the nurseries at Brenneman arranged for a Mom and Toddler Day Out to a cool water park for younger kids in South Bend. Here are some pics.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

We spent Memorial Day at Matt's parents' (known as Neene and Grandpa's) house in Fort Wayne. We had a great time out in the beautiful sunshine. Matt and I figure Owen spent 7 hours outside on Monday. He was asleep within 10 minutes of getting in the car to head home. What a tired little boy. The cousins had a good time together as well. Eli is now 7 months old and what a cutie. It is so nice to spend time with people you love.